Since it was started in 1984, our Club has contributed over $50,500.00 ( as of Sept. 2017) to the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center to establish a perpetual endowment, the income from which is used to fund Cancer Research. The book value of the fund as of June 30 was $77,098.79. ?

The endowment began as a way to provide memorial contributions in member of Paul Grubb, Jr, a Past President of the Club, who died from cancer.  Later, it also became a memorial to Col. Barre Smuck, a Past President of the Club, for whom the annual Golf Tournament is named.
Rather than just continuing to build the fund, at the request of the College of Medicine, in 2001 the Board approved the use of income to this fund for sponsorship of the “Elizabethtown Rotary Symposium on Malignant Melanoma” at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, which is conducted annually by the Penn State Cancer Institute.  The Symposium, started by Dr. Gavin Robertson, is a successful addition to the educational program of the Hershey Medical Center, and a valuable way to actively participate in the fight against cancer.  The information shared by patients, researchers and doctors today brings us closer to a cure for melanoma cancers.  Additional corporate sponsors have since signed on to support the event, but our club stands as the initial sponsor and we annually participate and support the event, and our Rotary emblem is included on the annual promotional poster each year.
Members are encouraged to make personal contributions to this fund, and the club continues to contribute to the symposium program annually.  Contributions may be sent to the Office of University Development, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, P. O. Box 852, Hershey, PA  17033-0852.  Be sure to designate the contribution to the Elizabethtown Rotary Cancer Research Endowment Account Number 94120HY.
 Annual Symposium on Melanoma at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center...
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